
help make mental health accessible to all
At MyMind we endeavor to make our services available to every person in Ireland. With your help we can reach more people in need. For every €20 donation we receive, we will be able to provide one face to face therapy session for someone who cannot afford the help they need.
This could be a lifeline to someone in a crisis situation who feels they have nowhere to turn, it can facilitate early intervention into mental health issues that might otherwise escalate into something more severe. It could make that first step for someone who is daunted by the prospect of therapy that little bit easier, meaning someone who might never get the help they need could be empowered to take control of their mental health, prevent personal crises, or start on the road to recovery.
The indirect impact this can have on the wider community and family and friends is immeasurable and invaluable and reduces social exclusion and stigma meaning more and more people can access what is a vital service.
How to donate to mymind?

Account Name: MyMind
Bank Name: Allied Irish Bank
Bank address: AIB, 1-4 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, D02 X342, Ireland
IBAN: IE16AIBK93106313785035
Claim back tax
MyMind can claim back tax at a rate of 31% on donations of €250 or more that are made in any one year.
So if you make a donation of €250 to MyMind in any one year, and are paying tax (either through PAYE or as a self-employed person) your donation will be worth more than €350 to us.
For more details, check the Revenue Website or print off a form here and return it to MyMind, 137 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
▸ Mymind’s donor charter
MyMind’s Donor Charter is our promise to you that we will:
- Treat all supporters with respect and confidentiality.
- Ensure that our communication with you is honest and transparent.
- Respect your right to privacy.
- Not subject you to any form of undue pressure.
- Handle your donation responsibly and to the greatest advantage of MyMind’s clients for whom it was intended.
- Remove your details from our database upon request.
All donations will be:
- Handled with the highest level of accuracy and transparency and financial records will be kept to ensure accountability and tracking.
- Applied to that purpose to which they were donated.
- Acknowledged within five working days unless no acknowledgement is reqested or insufficient contact details are provided.
- Applied to the greatest advantage of clients of MyMind.
- Subjected to an annual audit by independent Auditors, and will be available in MyMind’s annual return to the Companies’ Office.
- Used solely for MyMind’s work.
MyMind’s staff will:
- Be transparent, accurate and honest.
- Respond to email, letters and telephone enquiries, where necessary, within seven working days.
- Achieve the highest standards of professionalism at all times.
- Seek to minimise costs relating to administration.
- Adhere to the guidelines and requirements contained in the forthcoming Charities Bill.
- Comply with the Data Protection Act – MyMind’s database will not be shared with any other organisation.
Public Disclosure Statement:
MyMind is open about whether those seeking donations on their behalf are volunteers, employees of the organisation or are third party agents. Anyone fundraising on behalf of MyMind must ensure that prospective donors are aware of their status, i.e. volunteers, employees or third party agents.
Any comments or complaints (See below: Donor Complaints and Feedback Procedure) should be addressed to:
MyMind, 137 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 or email office@mymind.org
Related Articles:
Fundraising Best Practice
Pdf file to download – Guiding Principle of Fundraising
▸ Standards in fundraising practice
MyMind is fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising from the Irish Charities Tax Reform group (see link below).
The ICTR is a leadership organisation working on behalf of charities to enhance the conditions for a vibrant and independent charity sector in Ireland.
The ICTR group promotes the implementation of policies to optimise the financial value of donations (by charity-friendly tax reform) and to underpin public and donor confidence in charities.
The Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising exists to:
- Improve fundraising practice.
- Promote high levels of accountability and transparency by organisations fundraising from the public.
- Provide clarity and assurances to donors and prospective donors about the organisations they support.
Public Compliance Statement:
- MyMind is committed to complying with the Statement for Guiding Principles for Fundraising and has formally discussed and adopted the Statement at a meeting of the governing body.
- MyMind confirms its commitment to the principles set out in the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising by a statement to that effect in its annual report.
- MyMind has a Donor Charter which is consistent with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.
- MyMind regularly monitors compliance with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and compliance reports are received regularly by the governing body.
- MyMind considers the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising when planning all fundraising activity.
- MyMind has a policy on working with third party fundraisers (if applicable).
- MyMind provides honest, open and transparent disclosure when fundraising from the public.
- MyMind has appointed a member of the governing body and/or a senior member of staff to be responsible for compliance with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.
- MyMind ensures that fundraising staff are provided with information and training on the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and its implementation.
- MyMind has a feedback and complaints procedure consistent with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising. Feedback is recorded for review by relevant staff including the CEO and governing body. Feedback is responded to promptly and appropriately.
- MyMind prepares financial reports consistent with the requirements of the Charities Act 2009 which include a statement concerning the extent to which control of the organisation is independent of its funding sources.
- MyMind ensures that all donations are tracked and recorded and complies with data protection requirements.
- MyMind is accessible to the public through a number of readily available contact options.
We at MyMind have considered the statement and believe we meet the standards it sets out.
We welcome your feedback on our performance via any of the contact points below.
Write to:
137 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Tel: 0818 500 800
Related Articles:
Fundraising Best Practice
Pdf file to download – Guiding Principle of Fundraising
▸ Donor complaints and feedback procedure
MyMind is committed to ensuring that all our communications and dealings with the general public and our supporters are of the highest possible standard. We listen and respond to the views of the general public and our supporters so that we can continue to improve.
MyMind welcomes both positive and negative feedback. Therefore we aim to ensure that:
- It is as easy as possible to make a complaint
- We treat as a complaint any clear expression of dissatisfaction with our operations which calls for a response
- We treat it seriously whether it is made by telephone, letter, fax, email or in person
- We deal with it quickly and politely
- We respond accordingly – for example, with an explanation, or an apology when we have got things wrong, and information on any action taken etc
- We learn from complaints, use them to improve, and monitor them at our board meetings
If you have feedback or a complaint regarding our fundraising activities please contact Miss Tess Brady in writing or by telephone:
MyMind, 137 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Tel: 0818 500 800
Email: office@mymind.org
If you wish to take your complaint further, or if it is a non–fundraising related comment, please write to the Chief Executive Officer.
Mr Krystian Fikert
Chief Executive Officer
MyMind, 137 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Tel: 076 680 1827
Email: kfikert@mymind.org
Please give us as much information as possible and let us know how you would like us to respond to you, providing relevant contact details.
What happens then?
If you complain in person or over the phone, we will try and resolve the issue there and then.
Similarly if you complain by email or in writing we will always acknowledge your complaint within 7 days, and do everything we can to resolve it within 21 days. If this is not possible, we will explain why and provide a new deadline.
What if the complaint is not resolved?
If you are not happy with the response from either the head of fundraising or the chief executive, then you may get in touch with MyMind’s chairperson. The chairperson, will ensure that your appeal is considered at board level and will respond within two weeks of this consideration by board members.