MyMind is committed at every level and in all aspects of the service it offers to providing a confidential service to all those who are seeking mental health support. Confidentiality is between the individual and the organisation and between the individual and the mental health professional.
This means that:
- Information will be treated in the utmost confidence and will not be divulged to anyone outside the organisation except where extenuating circumstances exist (see below). However, in order that we can provide the best possible help to our clients it may be necessary to share information with a supervisor or manager within MyMind.
- No conversation about a client will take place with anyone who does not work for the service either as a volunteer or as a paid employee.
- No personal information about a client will be given to any third party even if the person is a member of their family except in the limited circumstances described below.
- Office staff will use the secrecy button on the phone if it is necessary for them to seek help from a colleague whilst in the middle of their conversation.
- Information will only be passed to another company or organisation with the consent of the client. If an advisor intends to get information from another company or organisation to help the client or to refer them to a local centre and this must be explained to you the client, and your permission given in advance in respect of same.
- We reserve the right to treat clients who are over the age of 16 without the need for a parental or guardian consent form but mental health professionals will always encourage those individuals who are under 18 to discuss the issue with their parents. (NB. See exceptions below).
In certain circumstances MyMind reserves the right to break confidentiality should this be deemed necessary. These circumstances include:
- If you the client are under 18 and you discloses information that may indicate risk to children or yourself.
- If a mental health professional believes that you could cause danger to yourself or to others.
- If you give information which indicates that a crime has been committed.
- If you give information which indicates a possible terrorist threat.
- In circumstances where MyMind is requested to provide information about you by the gardai or any other government or judicial body pursuant to a lawful order of a court or under such other legislative or statutory powers as may be applicable to the body.
We acknowledge that clients remain responsible for their own lives even if that means they decide to take their own life. We encourage our clients to get help and support from the appropriate authority and will encourage you as a client, if necessary, to call an ambulance. In all of these cases, if a decision has to be taken to break confidentiality, it will be done only after consultation with a Supervisor or member of the Management team. MyMind Mental health professionals will keep careful notes of any incidents and all action taken will be recorded.
This type of inquiry can be stressful for MyMind staff and so we take reasonable steps to try and ensure that all staff receive appropriate training and regular peer supervision.
Record keeping, statistics, evaluation and monitoring
1. Client Records
- Any written client records will be kept securely at the MyMind appointment system.
- Any names, addresses and phone numbers will be kept securely at the MyMind appointment system.
- Any record sheets will be destroyed automatically after 6 years of inactivity.
- You, as a client, or previous client of MyMind, may access all written records about yourself that we hold through the MyMind appointment system.
2. Letters or online messages
- Any letters or printed online messages will be kept securely.
- Any correspondence will be destroyed after 6 years.
- However, if a letter or online message is received which gives thanks or encouragement then it may be kept provided that permission is sought from the writer. (See below)
- If a letter or online message is received which we would like to use in publicity, we will seek the permission of the writer to ensure that they are happy for us to do this.
- Information about a client will never be used for publicity purposes unless consent has been obtained (see above).
3. Data Analysis
- Data will be collected to assist in planning statistical analysis, marketing and/or supervision.
- Data collected will have the sole purpose of enabling us to evaluate and monitor the service we are offering and will not, under any circumstances contain personal information except in some cases for supervision as described above.
- In some instances, MyMind may wish to make information available to public bodies and the media about the kind of enquiries we are taking and the situations they deal with. In these cases composite or fabricated case histories will be used and will be identified as such.
4. Making the Confidentiality Statement known
- All MyMind staff are given a copy of all policies when they join MyMind.
- We take all reasonable steps to ensure that our staff are trained and able to give information about the Confidentiality Statement if asked.
This Statement applies to all paid contractors and volunteers of MyMind. All new team members are given training in its application we take reasonable steps to try and ensure that existing staff understand its application. The Statement and MyMind Regulations are reviewed annually.